Thursday, August 7, 2008

Artist books, and travel.

This website is pretty neat. You can mark off places you've been. It'd be nice if I could have different coloured dots for where I'd like to go though

wolpy map

My artist books (we're doing some in my printing class also) are moving along.. interestingly. At the moment I'm cutting out little blocks from cardboard wheels. They'll be mounted on to a handle, and transparent slides glued between. Hopefully it will give a nice little short 'clip' effect when spun.

I'm also starting to create some 'junk' books. My mind is often obsessed with apocolyptic style world fantasies.. mad max, tank girl, insert tens of other appropriate films.. and after yesterday's artist forum with Lloyd Godman ( who spoke to us last year so I was kind of hoping he'd talk about some of his other works but he spoke about all the same ones.. ) I was even more motivated to create books that could come from such an era. When the only products we'd have access to would be junk, found objects. For the sake of ease I am allowing myself a glue gun.. although to be honest I doubt I'd be having the power to run it. So the concept is somewhere between fantasy and forecast reality.

will post pics soon.

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