Thursday, May 15, 2008

robert and shana parkharrison

The link to the right,

The photographs to me are exactly the kind of work I love, and bring up a lot of the thoughts I work with in my own ideas and concepts.

They give me a feeling of seclusion. Of man and nature in contrast, at opposition to each other. The destructive and organic power of nature against the same in man. That change, that constant evolution. The beautiful and terrifying imagery it evokes, in me at least.


Quite lovely. Most certainly something which speaks to me.


George Alamidis said...

Lovely work on the parkharrison site (thanks).
Your link doesn't work I had to copy and paste the URL.

RinglingRunner said...

I am obsessed with the Parkharrisons. Thier work is one of my main infleunce. You should check out Keith Carter.

also maybe check out my block and maybe you'll like any of my work, there is lots to look at, Leave me a critique!! lol peace.